"Love" banner on the mantle from Frankly Linen on etsy with tulips Miriam brought and the shower invitation mounted on a painted canvas -
Gift table in the den with a sign I made using a canvas, paint pen, and scrapbook paper, paper lantern lights hung from the curtain rod, and my gift to Brie on the table as decor -
I made a towel cake using a utensil holder as the base (which you can't see but it is apple green ceramic), then wrapped place mats (4) around the base (I folded them into thirds and safety pinned them together). I then took two kitchen towels and rolled them together and stuffed them into the top of the utensil holder. I took two utensils that were green and white and put them as a topper and put ribbon around the bottom. Brie's colors in her kitchen are navy, white, and green (very preppy) and so I got accessories for her kitchen like two colanders, measuring cups and spoons, an oven mitt, and kitchen towels.
Our main food table had plates, utensils, napkins, and the majority of our hot dips. This was a "dip party" and we all made our favorite dips to serve so there were chips everywhere and people could get all sorts of dips. I got Brie a glass water pitcher as a gift as well and so I put halved limes in the bottom and then roses that Miriam brought in it as well.
We had even more dips in the back on our island. I made tags for the dips using scrapbook paper and plastic knives so people would know what they were getting themselves in to (someone asked the caloric count on them and I laughed and said you don't want to know). We also had punch that Miriam made and some dessert dips.
We asked people to jot down their favorite simple, go-to, off the top of your head recipe or cooking tip for Brie to use. I found these recipe cards at Michael's and they fit the shower's colors (turquoise and red) perfectly.
Brie got a ton of presents (she is so loved) and so I took a picture of the present pile before she dug in:
She got so many nice things and what was really fun is when she opened each present, she told her first memory or favorite memory of that person so it helped us get to know each other since there were friends from soccer, law school, and church all together.
We had favors for the guests - Heather made a cute recipe book of most of the dip recipes that they could take home with them and I got 3 inch pots from Michael's and herb seed packets from Home Depot so they could grow their own little herb garden (another present for Brie from me was a herb growing kit - one of my favorite presents to give people because it "keeps giving" haha):
All in all, it was a lovely party and even better, a few of Brie's fabulous friends stayed and helped clean, which was just too nice. I'd say it was a successful first shower experience.
In throwing fabulous parties,

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