Monday, January 9, 2012

A little bit at a time.

I spent a few hours Sunday working on my guest bedroom. You may remember from my House Goals post that I would like to organize this room. In an effort to hold myself accountable to this, I'm posting my progress. It isn't much... but every little bit works towards a lot in the end.

First I went through all the clothes in my dresser and closet:
 I ended up with a nice sized pile - probably one trash bag towards my four bag goal for Goodwill:
 I also set aside the real polos and polo v-necks I'd outgrown from college. I've got a favorite student that I'm going to give these to - she'll appreciate them so that makes me happy.
 I also folded and put all the clothes on the bed into piles by category (the tallest is my loungewear/pjs - which is what I most wear the most since that was all fresh laundry). I also (finally) unpacked from the beach and washed all those clothes. Yeah, that was a little delayed.
Next step? Putting these away, organizing the clothes in our bedroom and hallway, and then dejunking the room so I can decorate!

In cleanliness,
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Reenie said...

YEA! It's my goal to get my home organized too! :)

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